
Join Formstack at Healthcare Internet Conference 2018

October 30, 2018
Min Read

Next week—from November 5 to November 7—nearly 850 leaders in healthcare will be in Scottsdale, Arizona for the 22nd Annual Healthcare Internet Conference (HCIC). With keynote speakers, 100+ information sessions, and more than 90 exhibitors, HCIC will be chock full of passionate healthcare professionals seeking to advance the industry’s digital transformation. Formstack is excited to join this group as an exhibitor to showcase our HIPAA compliant form builder. Three of our healthcare account executives—R.J. Morgan, Matt Heffernan, and Dave Voss—will be at booth E ready to discuss simplifying data collection in healthcare. Stop by our booth for a product demo, free swag, and a chance to enter our giveaway (Spoiler alert: It's a big-ticket item you'll be excited to see!).

RJ Morgan of Formstack
Matt Heffernen of Formstack
Dave Voss of Formstack
Healthcare Account Executives: R.J. Morgan, Matt Heffernan, Dave Voss

Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to make your voice heard. We will be conducting a survey at our booth to learn about your biggest challenges in healthcare as well as trends you’re excited to follow. As a thank you, each survey respondent will be compensated with a gift card. Make sure to fill out the survey to share your healthcare marketing highs and lows.

Won’t be at Healthcare Internet Conference 2018? Follow along on Twitter #HCIC18, and join Formstack at HCIC in 2019!


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